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Beachlink Login - Students - In relation to universities, the term college normally refers to a part of the university which does not have degree-awarding powers in itself. Degrees are always awarded by universities whereas colleges are institutions or organizations. |
Minnesota Real Estate Attorney - Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Patrick Burns & Associates provides legal help to their clients in the area of real estate and the like. |
New Jersey Medical Malpractice Lawyer - Francis X. Dorrity Law Offices based in NJ, provide professional representation to clients in personal injury, medical malpractice cases and the like. |
Update on Business Law - The Editorial Board of Business Law Today and the BLT Task Force is hard at work preparing the new online Business Law Today product which will be unveiled at the 2010 ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco. This BLT will be an entirely new web-based product drawing upon the best features of the magazine and Source. |